Download Full Paul in Best Video Format
Now you can watch full Paul in HD quality with duration 104 Min and was released on 2011-03-17 and MPAA rating is 554.- Original Title : Paul
- Movie title in your country : Paul
- Year of movie : 2011
- Genres of movie : Adventure, Comedy, Science Fiction,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2011-03-17
- Companies of movie : Universal Pictures, Big Talk Productions, Relativity Media, Working Title Films,
- Countries of movie : United States of America, United Kingdom,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 104 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.4
- Youtube ID of movie : IyJo6ESSiMY
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,FR,FI,IT,TR,PT,RU,NL,ES,DA,SV,ZH,HU,EL,SK,BG,CS,PL,JA,RO,
- Actors of movie :Seth Rogen (Paul (voice)), Simon Pegg (Graeme Willy), Nick Frost (Clive Gollings), Jason Bateman (Special Agent Lorenzo Zoil), Kristen Wiig (Ruth Buggs), Bill Hader (Haggard), Blythe Danner (Tara Walton), Joe Lo Truglio (O'Reilly), John Carroll Lynch (Moses Buggs), Jane Lynch (Pat Stevenson), David Koechner (Gus), Jesse Plemons (Jake), Sigourney Weaver (Tara), Jeffrey Tambor (Adam Shadowchild), Steven Spielberg (Himself), Jennifer Granger (Adam Shadowchild Fan)
Movie summary of Paul :
Best Paul in High Quality Video with movie summary "For the past 60 years, a space-traveling smart-ass named Paul has been locked up in a top-secret military base, advising world leaders about his kind. But when he worries he’s outlived his usefulness and the dissection table is drawing uncomfortably close, Paul escapes on the first RV that passes by his compound in Area 51. Fortunately, it contains the two earthlings who are most likely to rescue and harbor an alien on the run." in top quality. Release Paul in High Quality Video by clicking the download link.
Now you can watch full Paul in HD video. Enjoy Paul movie with single fill out the variety by exploring the image with the sign way up button. Enjoy each of the albums fresh movie with all favorite movie internet! only play this movie Paul today for free access this online movie. This really is truly spectacular and can a type of rare awesome. The high quality was great all over. Management, graphics and visible effects have been all incredibly innovative and brilliant. The pleasure with the script, often humorous possesses plenty of heart for many his characters are common very ripped.
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Executive Producer : Robert Graf, Unit Production Manager : Robert Graf, Director : Greg Mottola, Writer : Nick Frost, Writer : Simon Pegg, Producer : Nira Park, Producer : Tim Bevan, Producer : Eric Fellner, Executive Producer : Liza Chasin, Executive Producer : Debra Hayward, Executive Producer : Natascha Wharton, Director of Photography : Lawrence Sher, Production Design : Jefferson Sage, Music : David Arnold, Music : Nick Angel, Visual Effects Supervisor : Jody Johnson, Animation Supervisor : Anders J.L Beer, Visual Effects Supervisor : Hal Couzens, Casting : Alison Jones, Sound mixer : Peter F. Kurland, Production Accountant : Cheryl Kurk, Location Manager : S. Todd Christensen, Set Decoration : Carla Curry, Art Direction : Richard Fojo, Post Production Supervisor : Tania Blunden, First Assistant Editor : Catriona Richardson, Visual Effects Editor : Andy Hague, Supervising Sound Editor : Julian Slater, Script Supervisor : Sheila Waldron
Sure, now you can view movie involving Paul entirely length and find the link to this film Paul in top video format.
Tags: area 51, san diego california, year 1980, alien space craft, hit with a chair, shot in the knee, duringcreditsstinger,
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