Watch Full Moonrise Kingdom in Top Video Format
Now you can download full Moonrise Kingdom in high quality with duration 94 Min and has been launched in 2012-05-25 and MPAA rating is 483.- Original Title : Moonrise Kingdom
- Movie title in your country : Moonrise Kingdom
- Year of movie : 2012
- Genres of movie : Comedy, Drama, Romance,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2012-05-25
- Companies of movie : Scott Rudin Productions, Indian Paintbrush, American Empirical Pictures, Moonrise,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 94 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.4
- Youtube ID of movie : eP0QJ_Ba1Bs
- Translation of movie : EN,IT,FR,DE,ZH,TR,RU,HU,PT,DA,SV,PL,FI,CS,ES,NL,HR,EL,JA,HE,
- Actors of movie :Bruce Willis (Captain Sharp), Edward Norton (Scout Master Ward), Jared Gilman (Sam), Kara Hayward (Suzy), Bill Murray (Mr. Bishop), Frances McDormand (Mrs. Bishop), Bob Balaban (The Narrator), Tilda Swinton (Social Services), Harvey Keitel (Commander Pierce), Lucas Hedges (Redford), Jason Schwartzman (Cousin Ben), Charlie Kilgore (Lazy Eye), Chandler Frantz (Gadge), Gabriel Rush (Skotak)
Movie summary of Moonrise Kingdom :
Best Moonrise Kingdom in Best Video Format with movie summary "Set on an island off the coast of New England in the summer of 1965, Moonrise Kingdom tells the story of two twelve-year-olds who fall in love, make a secret pact, and run away together into the wilderness. As various authorities try to hunt them down, a violent storm is brewing off-shore – and the peaceful island community is turned upside down in more ways than anyone can handle." in high definition format. Release Moonrise Kingdom in Top Quality by push of the download link.
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Director : Wes Anderson, Writer : Wes Anderson, Writer : Roman Coppola, Producer : Wes Anderson, Producer : Jeremy Dawson, Producer : Steven M. Rales, Producer : Scott Rudin, Executive Producer : Sam Hoffman, Original Music Composer : Alexandre Desplat, Director of Photography : Robert D. Yeoman, Editor : Andrew Weisblum, Casting : Douglas Aibel, Production Design : Adam Stockhausen, Set Decoration : Kris Moran, Costume Design : Kasia Walicka-Maimone, Digital Intermediate : Barbara Jean Kearney
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