Watch Full Midnight in Paris in Top Video Format
Now you can play full Midnight in Paris in High Quality Video with duration 94 Min and has been aired on 2011-05-11 with MPAA rating is 544.- Original Title : Midnight in Paris
- Movie title in your country : Midnight in Paris
- Year of movie : 2011
- Genres of movie : Fantasy, Comedy, Romance,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2011-05-11
- Companies of movie : Gravier Productions, Televisió de Catalunya (TV3), Versátil Cinema, Mediapro, Pontchartrain Productions,
- Countries of movie : Spain, United States of America,
- Language of movie : English, Français, Deutsch, Español,
- Durationof movie : 94 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.1
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : EN,IT,FR,DE,TR,PT,HU,CS,ZH,RU,ES,SV,NL,PL,DA,SR,EL,JA,HE,CA,RO,
- Cast of movie :Owen Wilson (Gil), Rachel McAdams (Inez), Kurt Fuller (John), Mimi Kennedy (Helen), Michael Sheen (Paul), Nina Arianda (Carol), Carla Bruni (Museum Guide), Maurice Sonnenberg (Man at Wine Tasting), Thierry Hancisse (1920's Partygoer), Audrey Fleurot (1920's Partygoer), Marie-Sohna Conde (1920's Partygoer (as Marie-Sohna Condé)), Yves Heck (Cole Porter), Alison Pill (Zelda Fitzgerald), Tom Hiddleston (F. Scott Fitzgerald), Sonia Rolland (Joséphine Baker), Corey Stoll (Ernest Hemingway), Daniel Lundh (Juan Belmonte), Laurent Spielvogel (Antiques Dealer), Thérèse Bourou-Rubinsztein (Alice B. Toklas), Kathy Bates (Gertrude Stein), Marcial Di Fonzo Bo (Pablo Picasso), Marion Cotillard (Adriana), Léa Seydoux (Gabrielle), Emmanuelle Uzan (Djuna Barnes), Adrien Brody (Salvador Dalí), Tom Cordier (Man Ray), Adrien de Van (Luis Buñuel), Serge Bagdassarian (Détective Duluc), Gad Elmaleh (Detective Tisserant), David Lowe (T.S. Eliot), Atmen Kelif (Hotel Doctor), Yves-Antoine Spoto (Henri Matisse), Laurent Claret (Leo Stein), Sava Lolov (Belle Époque Couple), Karine Vanasse (Belle Époque Couple), Catherine Benguigui (Maxim's Hostess), Vincent Menjou Cortes (Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec), Olivier Rabourdin (Paul Gauguin), François Rostain (Edgar Degas), Marianne Basler (Versailles Royalty), Michel Vuillermoz (Versailles Royalty)
Movie summary of Midnight in Paris :
Download full Midnight in Paris in Top Quality with movie synopsis "A romantic comedy about a family traveling to the French capital for business. The party includes a young engaged couple forced to confront the illusion that a life different from their own is better." in HD video. Full Length of Midnight in Paris in Best Quality by visiting the download link.
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Director : Woody Allen, Writer : Woody Allen, Screenplay : Woody Allen, Director of Photography : Darius Khondji, Editor : Alisa Lepselter, Casting : Stéphane Foenkinos, Casting : Patricia Kerrigan DiCerto, Casting : Juliet Taylor, Production Design : Anne Seibel, Art Direction : Jean-Yves Rabier, Set Decoration : Hélène Dubreuil, Costume Design : Sonia Grande
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Tags: paris, painter, detective, novel, screenwriter, forbidden love, time travel, midnight, nostalgia, past, sculpture, hemingway,
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